Monday, May 26, 2008

Top Secret Car Secret Shocking Proof


"I'm Going to Give You My Secret for Buying Any Car You Want for 30%, 50% and Even 90% OFF What Everybody Else Has to Pay!"

"I've personally used my Top Secret Car Secret to buy every kind of car you can think of ... everything from your average middle-class car, all the way up to Rolls-Royces and Lamborghinis ... but where I've saved literally $100,000's on these cars and MORE!"

Play this amazing free movie to see what kinds of cars you can now have for 30%, 50% and even 90% OFF!

How to Buy Any Car 60% OFF

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dr. Suzanne Wants To Reveal Her Top Secret Car Secrets

Dr Suzanne made it big on both TV and now the Web as a health and wellness expert, and she claims to make $45,000 per day with her business interests - but what most people don't know is that with all her money she routinely buys exotic and luxury cars for as little as 50% off what car dealers force everyone else to pay. Perhaps being "savvy is for the rich too."

She is able to do this because she discovered something NO car salesman ever wants you to find out about!

The Top Secret Car Secret is so powerful, yet involves doing just 1-3 things (usually) that will allow you to get ANY CAR you want (including normal day-to-day average cars you see on the highway, to even the most expensive exotic cars such as Lamborghinis and Rolls-Royces!)

Find out more about this amazing secret from Dr. Suzanne herself at Top Secret Car Secret

Most recently Dr Suzanne herself used her own secret to buy over $1 million worth of cars, but where she saved $700,000 using her amazing new breakthrough secret (so she paid just $300,000 and got 6 very pricey cars worth $1 million - and each one was brand new and this year's model!)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Buy Cheap and Sell For Profit | "Top Secret Car Secret"

There is a shake and stir in the car buying and selling community and it all is about Dr. Suzanne Gundakunst's latest book, the Top Secret Car Secret.

When most people think of buying a car the first thought that goes through your mind is, "I'm losing $1,000's as soon as I drive it off the lot." Or, "how come I can never wheel and deal with the car dealer?"

Read on...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Is Top Secret Car Secret A Scam?

Don't get scammed - Read this now!

Top Secret Car Secret Program

Are you searching for a new car or truck? With the price of gas eating up your expenses, you're probably second guessing your choice. In todays' economy, what type of car should you get? A Hybrid? 4x4? A hybrid will certainly stretch your monthly fuel expense budget, but you sure would look cool in your new gas guzzling 4x4. Decisions sure can be tough sometimes.

What if I told you that I knew of a little known secret, that regardless of what kind of car you are looking for, could save you alot of money? I'm talking about from 30%-60% off dealer pricing, and maybe even more. And that this little known method works at ALL car dealerships, for all makes and models of cars? Does this have you're attention? Good - Because it is 100% complete BS!

In case you haven't heard already, there is a new system out called Top Secret Car Secret. If you do a search for it on Google or Yahoo, you get about a million listings, all pretty much saying the same thing - "Save 60-90% off of your next vehicle purchase!". "Dr. discovers secret to getting exotic cars for half the price!", and so on. Don't believe the hype, as the claims that are made are absolutely ridiculous. I came across this system just a few weeks ago. It sounded too good to be true.

I have to be honest here, however. When I first stumbled across this system, i was intrigued. What If I really could get a car for 60% off? That would be fantastic, and I could probably get my wife to agree to let me buy it. I saw that the system comes with an 8 week guarantee, so I figured that with that kind of money back guarantee I had nothing to lose. I was curious, so I purchased the Top Secret Car Secret Program.

I downloaded the system instantly after purchasing it, and I was reaffirmed that it is backed by a 2 month guarantee. Yipee! I figured if it didn't work out, I would just get my money back. So, I started reading...

Boy was I surprised - there was a ton of information in there. There were a bunch of "little known" methods of the auto sales industry. Keep in mind, I can't stand dealing with car salesmen. If you have ever done it before, it is not a very good experience, at least not for me. I have only done it twice in my life, and both times I left the lot in my new car feeling taken advantage of.

Well, since i was armed with new information on how to handle car salesmen, and I had my trusty 2 month guarantee, I headed out to my local dealership. (I don't want to mention which one... I don't want to violate any copyright laws... Let's just say I was looking to purchase a new, popular Hybrid car) I was confident, knowing that these methods were guaranteed to save me money!

What happened? Well, I must admit, the program DOES work. In my case, after heavy negotiating using the methods outlined in the program, I was able to get my Hybrid car for a little over $4,500 off of the asking price. $4,675 to be exact. In my past experience, I was never able to negotiate a price difference of that much, especially on a brand new model.

My honest opinion of the Top Secret Car Secret? I have to say that it works - it saved me alot of money, personally. I would recommend getting it for yourself and giving it a try. If it doesn't work out for you, just request a refund... 2 months is a long time, so you will have plenty of time to try it out. While I still think some of the claims are ridiculous, this book will definitely save you money at the dealership, and I didn't feel like I was taken advantage of as I drove away. In fact, I had the upper hand the entire time. See for yourself...

The Real Savings - The book explodes in showing you how to buy very nice cars and huge discounts, and then RESELL them on web auction sites like Ebay and other places. One lady in Ontario actually made over $750,000 last year from simply buying cars and selling them using the Top Secret Car Secret methods. She would buy a car, and auction it off within hours...and make a huge profit, and often without even talking to her customer.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Top Secret Car Secret Allows You to Now Buy Cars 60% OFF...

World famous Dr Suzanne Gudakunst has just released her biggest "shocker!" ever ...

--> Her Top Secret Car Secret to buying expensive cars for as
little as $300 a month!

Top Secret Car Secret Report

Dr Suzanne made it big on both TV and now the Web - but what most people don't know is that she routinely buys exotic and luxury cars for as little as 50% of what car dealers force everyone else to pay.

She is able to do this because she discovered something NO car salesman ever wants you to find out about!

This Secret is so powerful, yet involves doing just 1-3 things (usually) that will allow you to get ANY CAR you want (including normal day-to-day average cars you see on the highway, to even the most expensive exotic cars such as Lamborghinis and Rolls-Royces!)

Most recently Dr Suzanne herself used her own secret to buy over $1 million worth of cars, but where she saved $700,000 using her amazing new breakthrough secret (so she paid just $300,000 and got 6 very pricey cars worth $1 million - and each one was brand new and this year's model!)

But you DON'T have to be looking to buy these top and most expensive cars - but can use her secret to buy any car - even a middle-class Sudan or family vehicle.

So, at this point it's only fair to ask:

"How did Dr Suzanne discover this?"

Simple really ...

Although very rich (Dr Suzanne makes over $45,000 a day online alone) Dr Suzanne is the kind of gal who doesn't believe in paying "extra" if you don't have to.

One day while shopping around for her first Bentley Rolls-Royce, she got "mixed feelings" from the car salesman trying to sell her the car.

She felt that he wasn't telling her the truth (a kind of "sixth-sense" sort of thing).

So she began compulsively investigating all the deals she could possibly find elsewhere and online, and in the process she started to see a clear pattern:

--> People are being lied to and cheated out of
$10,000's each and every time they buy even
a single car!

Dr Suzanne then got really "ticked off" and this drove her to an even DEEPER investigation far, far further until she had a stack of facts, figures and even methods that allowed her to get one over on the car dealerships (for a well-deserved change!)

Being a doctor and scientist, naturally Dr Suzanne wanted to put her "New Discovery" to the ultimate test:

* * * A real "live" case! * * *

So she went out and applied her new found "Secret" only to discover that she could get a Rolls-Royce for as little as $600 a month, and a Lamborghini for as little as $1,160 a month!

She also found that she could get the prices on these same kinds of cars reduced by as much as 30%, 50% or even by as much as 90% (or even more!)

Then she decided to see if this same "Secret" could work for what most people considered "normal cars."

And guess what: * * * The SAME Secret held TRUE! * * *

Dr Suzanne was now armed with what is now considered by experts at below wholesale buying to be the "Greatest Car Buying Secret" ever discovered!

So powerful and amazing it PROVED in her own life that she decided to share it with several close friends to see if they too could apply it successfully.

And the SAME THING resulted!

One good and close personal friend of Dr Suzanne's is another Internet Multi-Millionaire (name withheld for privacy reasons) and who wanted to buy a brand new Lamborghini Murcielago which usually costs $412,700* (*this year's model).

After applying Dr Suzanne's secret he was able to get it for:

o NO Money down!
o and just $1,300/month!

Yeah, yeah & I know, I know & these people are already rich & so why should they get to use the advantages of her secret, right?

The fact is: Regardless of how much you make (or like most of us, how little!) it doesn't matter.

As they say "a penny saved is a penny earned," so imagine saving $250,000 on a super exotic car (which means $250,000 earned!)

Or, for the rest of us, what if you saved:

o $15,000 on your next car purchase, Or &
o $400 a month on payments

These savings quickly add up (and again, BLANK amount saved means BLANK amount earned, regardless of what you put in the BLANKS, right?)

So, if after reading this email you STILL insist on being an "idiot" and paying FULL Price when you no longer ever have to, then fine, leave all the biggest savings to the few of us who are smart enough to grab up Dr Suzanne's "Top Secret Car Secret!"

Oh, and by the way, with the few of us doing so, the car salesmen will have to screw someone else out of all the money that they are losing to us, so that means "YOU" will be their next victim.

... Unless of course you happen to have a COPY of Dr Suzanne's "Top Secret Car Secret" like we do!

So, just to be generous, I'll give you the link** (**But Shhhh! - Don't go blabbing your mouth all over the Web telling everybody else, cuz we have a pretty good thing here as long as everybody else doesn't find out about it!)

Click Here To Learn More:

Top Secret Car Secrets

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